Friday, January 18, 2013

Intro and Explanation

A good buddy of mine has been kind enough to chat at me regarding my want to lose weight and get healthy. We had similar interests in high school and I kinda think of him as a (slightly) younger brother. I have appreciated so much that he was willing to take time out of his life (wife, baby, another on the way, full-time job) to give me direction and encouragement. Thanks again, Robbie!

As such, I'll be chronicling my health journey here. This means at least once a week I'll be posting my progress (probably Wednesdays): meal plan, any weight/inch loss, ups and downs. I decided to start a blog to better myself, really. I want it to be personal, but helpful to others out there like myself (specifically the "I'm a fat girl but I wanna rock people's faces off!!" crowd). Also, for the record, I'm a fat girl. I don't use that as an insult. It's what I am. When I go shopping, I tell the hubs I'm headed to the Fat Girl Clothes, and we often refer to ourselves as Fats, Fatties, or Big'Uns. If you for whatever reason find that offensive, then A] You must not have known me very long, and B] I don't see a reason for you to be sensitive regarding what I call myself.

Even when I lose weight, I will always be "plus-sized". When I was in high school I weighed around 180 lbs at 5'10, and my pants size was 14. Had I actually done any exercise and watched my eating habits, that number might have fluctuated but more importantly my body would have been more fit, though I'd still have been plus-sized. For the current fashion world, anything 14+ (and sometimes anything 12+) is considered plus-sized. Ridiculous? Sure, especially when you see the images of those women, and realize they aren't obese, but simply average (I can understand the "plus" coming in around 18/20, which some label as XL).

I say all that to say, don't get offended. If you're fat, you're fat. I'm not saying it as a bad thing. The bad part is if you're unhealthy, and that's what I'm looking to change. I'll never be a stick, and I'm fine with that. I know there are women who wish they could gain weight, and while that is something bigger women often laugh about and mutter how we'd love to be in their shoes, the world is hard on them, too.

Aaanyway, that's a bit of insight into what I plan on doing from now on. Starting out simple and working my way forward, one day, one meal at a time.

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